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Set of 6 dies
Product Dimensions: Photo slots designed to hold 3” x 4”, 3” x 3”. 3” x 2”
Photo mats: 105mm x80mm, 54mm x 80mm,80mm x 80mm
Promotional Text: Innovative dies, designed to create interactive pages by cutting into the decorative paper so no unnecessary waste to create a decorative flap. Teflon coated, 100% steel, alignment notches for accurate placement. Provides storage for 3 different photo sizes: 3” x4”, 3” x 3”. 3” x 2”. Also come with Photo mat with stitched edge detail.
Review by Kim
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Set of 6 dies
Product Dimensions: Photo slots designed to hold 3” x 4”, 3” x 3”. 3” x 2”
Photo mats: 105mm x80mm, 54mm x 80mm,80mm x 80mm
Promotional Text: Innovative dies, designed to create interactive pages by cutting into the decorative paper so no unnecessary waste to create a decorative flap. Teflon coated, 100% steel, alignment notches for accurate placement. Provides storage for 3 different photo sizes: 3” x4”, 3” x 3”. 3” x 2”. Also come with Photo mat with stitched edge detail.